Bird Nest Boxes

Join AAZK in helping out our feathered friends

 Riverbanks AAZK recently installed about 20 nest boxes for birds around the zoo, garden, and the power line right-of-way adjacent to the garden parking lot. Most of the boxes installed will attract a variety of small song birds like Eastern Blue Birds, Tree Swallows, and Carolina Wrens. We also installed a couple nest boxes to attract Screech Owls or Pileated Woodpeckers which should be exciting to watch this spring. One box, located near the zoo's Discovery Center has already attracted a pair of Prothonotary Warblers that successfully raised a clutch of babies! 

You can help support native wildlife by providing food, water, cover, and nesting areas for animals in your own backyard! Visit the South Carolina Wildlife Federation's website for all the plans and information you need to build nest boxes and, maybe this spring, you can watch a mom and dad blue bird raise some young just outside your kitchen window!

1 comment:

  1. Great to see you are helping out your feathered friends! If they become a problem and there's too many flocking to your property, check out bird removal new jersey.
